
Configuring with es6 syntax is supported in .umirc.ts or config/config.ts. A common configuration looks as below:

export default {
base: '/docs/',
publicPath: '/static/',
hash: true,
history: {
type: 'hash',


If your configurations are not complicated, we recommend configuring your app with .umirc.ts; If your configurations are complicated, it is possible to split your configurations into pieces and organize them in config/config.ts. For example, if you need to configure routers, it would be a good choice to have it in an individual module called routes.ts.

// config/routes.ts
export default [
{ exact: true, path: '/', component: 'index' },
// config/config.ts
import { defineConfig } from 'umi';
import routes from './routes';
export default defineConfig({
routes: routes,

You have to choose between .umirc.ts and config/config.ts, .umirc.ts has higher priority.

TypeScript IntelliSense

If you used to working with IntelliSense even when writing configuration, import defineConfig from 'umi' helps.

import { defineConfig } from 'umi';
export default defineConfig({
routes: [
{ path: '/', component: '@/pages/index' },

local configuration

Create .umirc.local.ts, it will be deep merged with .umirc.ts while using umi dev.

Note: .umirc.local.ts is only available with umi dev. It won't work with umi build .

For example:

// .umirc.ts or config/config.ts
export default { a: 1, b: 2 };
// .umirc.local.ts or config/config.local.ts
export default { c: 'local' };

The final configuration shall be:

a: 1,
b: 2,
c: 'local',


  • local configuration file of config/config.ts is config/config.local.ts
  • .local.ts should only be used for local debugging,Don't commit it to git repo
  • .local.ts has higher priority compare with others specified with UMI_ENV

Configuration for multiple environments

Environment variable UMI_ENV shall be used to identify configurations for different environments.

For example:

// .umirc.js or config/config.js
export default { a: 1, b: 2 };
// or config/
export default { b: 'cloud', c: 'cloud' };
// .umirc.local.js or config/config.local.js
export default { c: 'local' };

If we don't specify UMI_ENV , the final configuration we get will be:

a: 1,
b: 2,
c: 'local',

If UMI_ENV=cloud is specified, the final configuration we get will be:

a: 1,
b: 'cloud',
c: 'local',